Wednesday 30 November 2011

Font Research

How does font change the meaning of our text?

Many people are unaware of what a large impact font makes. Here is an examples on the left. Each quote says the same thing, a serious sign saying "BEWARE! HIGH VOLTAGE POWER STATION!!!!", the first two are in Comic Sans and Handwriting fonts

"This is showing the choice of typeface can manipulate the meaning of the word" Spikermann and Ginger.

As they do not look serious and you are not able to immediately tell  they are sending a serious message, whereas the bottom three you are able to tell immediately they are trying to send a serious message.

I looked at this website, which shows the impact of different font uses. Here are some Screen Shots from the website.

Here is is an example of "THE SOURCE:HIP HOP MAGAZINE", the first text is written in comic sans, without reading when you look at this you immediately think it is something aimed at children, yet the text itself is not aimed for children but at teanagers. The second text is in Courier font, in contrast to the comic sans font, when looking at this you immediately are able to tell the text is not aimed at children.

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